After passing the final approach fix set the missed approach altitude in the MCP. Vertical GuidanceFPA is recommended, alternativly V/S may be used. How a localizer works is it sends out two signal. A localizer back course is simply flying on the back side of the localizer to the runway. radio aids or reporting points should be depicited on the ND using the FMC fix pages.TRK SEL or HDG SEL must be used if the final approach is offset. The OM is located on the localizer front course 4-7 miles from the airport to indicate a position at which an aircraft, at the appropriate altitude on the localizer course, will intercept the glide path. The insertion of the inbound track must be achieved by line selecting "Xxx INTC" (where xx is the runway in use) on the DEP/ARR page (line select key 6R).Other required positions i.e. The RX point should normaly be selected at a position coinvident with the final approach fix if one is available. There must be no other waypoints on the legs page between the RX point and the runway. For approaches not in the database LNAV may be used provided the final approach track is aligned with the runway QDM and RWY with RWY EXT is selected in the FMC. Approaches contained within the FMC database may be flown using LNAV. THese turns must be flown in TRK SEL or HDG SEL.Vertical Guidance:FLCH, V/S or FPA may be used as appropriate.During the descent to the FAF, select gear down, flaps 20 and reduce speed to VREF 30+20.Establish in the landing configuration prior to the final approach fix. Use TRK or HDG and confirm correct execution of the procedure by the use of needles with DME and/or stopwatch. A navaid/waypoint and the appropriate radial/track may be inserted on the fix page to create a depiction of the procedure turn etc. Non database procedure turns/tear drops and DME arcs, etc. Tracking to or holding at a database waypoint is permitted in LNAV 3. Only intermediate approaches contained within the FMC may be flown using LNAV 2. The back course localizer is established along the centerline of a runway in the. Intermediate ApproachLateral Guidance: 1. The localizer approach uses the ILS equipment, minus glideslope signal. If the Back Course approach is not included in the FMC approach procedures, insert the ILS frequency and its front course QDM into the NAV RAD page.

Non-Precision Approaches Localiser Back BeamUse LNAV, TRK SEL or HDG SEL.