If most artificially flavored candy is made of the same stuff - sugar, chemicals, and the bodies of misbehaving children who visit the Willy Wonka factory - Nerds delivers those ingredients in the most delightful form.
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At the top was always the cold-hard potent shit: SweetTarts, Fun Dip, Shockers, Sour Patch Kids, Pixy Stix, and the prize of all prizes: Nerds. At the bottom of the list were the homemade snacks we assumed contained razor blades and a collection of flimsy chocolate bars (Almond Joys, Krackels, Crunch bars, Kit Kats). NerdsĪlyssa Bereznak : I was the kind of trick-or-treater who sorted my loot into separate piles at the end of every Halloween, and then ranked each one from least to most delicious. 100 percent cheek-puckering deliciousness, zero percent filler. Well, nothing has more chocolate and less bullshit on the trick-or-treat circuit than Hershey’s Special Dark miniatures. I went for 3 Musketeers (famously big on chocolate) or Milky Way and tended to avoid nuts (which are really just vegetables when you think about it). Almond Joys are like hiding rocks and fiberglass insulation in mashed potatoes. Snickers are peanuts hidden in chocolate and caramel - peas in the mashed potatoes. (A betrayal I feel viscerally to this day.) This also meant that Halloween and Easter were really the only two times I got to eat candy in any quantity, so I had to make it count. Michael Baumann : My parents, God bless them, always tried to make sure I ate right when I was a little kid, going so far as to hide peas in my mashed potatoes once. But when the end of the night came, what candy were you most excited to devour? Our staff has some thoughts. Whether it was hitting as many houses as possible, strategically picking the ones known for giving the most candy, or just staying home, it’s hard not to have fond memories of October 31.

Everyone had a routine on Halloween when they were kids.